Check out Peru’s Far Fen, and their awesome use of the Knee Booster in this great song from 1969. According to the poster of this video, the band later became Black Sugar!
Far Fen group was formed in 1969 by Victor “Coco”Salazar and Miguel “Chino”Figueroa, very talented musicians that later triggered much discussion. Among the prominent members of Far Fen was the percussionist “Challe” Silva. Precisely is the son of “Challe” Silva who has been kind enough to send me your valuable photographic documents that illustrate this audio. According to what George Bonilla, the group’s name derives from the Farfisa organ and Fender amplifiers owned by that group. Far Fen later become Black Sugar, big words, but that’s another story.
Note: The topic title is tentative, I have found that between the little information that exists, is given different names to this song.