Here’s a new one that I haven’t seen before, the Farfisa Organtone. Looks exactly like the previously mentioned Pianorgan (and Royal Artist Piano), but instead of nice Quartersawn White Oak, it is made out of what looks like nicer Santos Mahogany!
This one is for sale up on ebay right now, here’s the link.
You are bidding on this vintage “ORGANTONE” made in Italy, by Farfisa. I’ve heard these were imported to the US by Gretsch, but I am not sure. These are called “wind organs” because they play music by wind (generated by an electric motor) blowing through the reeds. They produce an accordian-like sound. It is in great condition & WORKS. All the keys work execpt for the last key on the right that is very low (it needs a good tunning from being storage) It is missing the original legs. It also has a few VERY LIGHT cosmetic defects SEE PICTURES.There is moderate wear to the finish, it is a very attractive, quality made instrument.