Take a look at this! A brand new monster Farfisa OR200 Amp and speaker set. The price is pretty steep, but this is a complete set up and is NOS!
Author: admin
Farfisa Mini Compact Organ
This was the simplest of Farfisa Compact Organ. It is by far the most common Farfisa available on the market today. It’s list price in 1968 was a mere $495, something every suburban garage rocker could possibly talk their parents into buying for them. How could they resist this 49 key, C to C keyboard, with a little of that Farfisa bite.
The Mini had just three tabs for sound, but it did have Vibrato, the Multi Tone Knee Booster, and the ALL Booster tab all wrapped up in a fantastically awesome avacado green tolex covered plywood case.
Farfisa Professional 88 Organ
I don’t know much about the Farfisa Professional 88 Organ. It appears to be a massive beast of an organ, and judging by limited sightings, it may have been only for the possibly for the South American Market.
I received a message from one of the gentlemen from The Magnetic Band who said the bass section was great.
Farfisa Matador R Combo Organ
It has a few different tabs for contouring the sounds along with a nice Vibrato, Vibrato Repeat, and Percussion. The best feature about the Matador is the Slalom (Glissando or Pitch Bend) can be controlled by the optional Farfisa Grey Volume pedal. This feature lets you control the pitch of the bend up to the note you are playing on the keyboard.
Farfisa Royal Artist Piano
The Royal Artist Piano is a reed based organ. It has a fan. When you hold down a note or chord button, that makes a space for the air to flow over a reed to make the sound. The reed banks for the keyboard and button sections are those from an accordion, and the fan simply provides the air in lieu of bellows.
It is an acoustic instrument. It has no electronic parts. There are no outputs, or ways to connect it to an amp. If you want to record this, you must use a microphone. Now the stinker is, that fan makes a lot of noise, which as you know isn’t very good for recording instruments. So, the Farfisa Royal Artist Piano, she is not so good for the gigging musician, and thus not worth too terribly much.
Farfisa Matador-R Electronic Organ Schematic Diagrams
All for you, here is the Farfisa Matador schematic for your viewing and tweaking pleasure. This also includes the ridiculously awesome inner workings of the vibrato, percussion, tone generators, and much, much more!
You can tell me in the comments how awesome I am.
Don’t blame me if you hurt yourself or your organ by using these schematics to try to fix your organ. If you can, try to find yourself a technician that knows how to work on organs. If we don’t take care of them, they may go extinct!
If you need to save them, or to look at a larger version of the page, just right click the image and save target as…
Farfisa Compact Duo Schematics
Here we have the schematic for a Farfisa Compact Duo combo organ. Back before there were websites, cameras and photographs and such, companies used to draw out these little lines and stuff to tell you how their stuff worked. Sometimes the guys that built the organs read these to learn how to build them.
You’ll probably need the F/AR schematic too.
Don’t be stupid and hurt yourself if you are going to work on your organ. You really should find a tech to work on your gear. That way he can do what he does, and you can do what you do.
Farfisa F/AR Preamp and Reverb Schematic
He is the Farfisa F/AR Schematic. The F/AR was an independent preamp and real spring reverb unit that was used to power the Farfisa Compact Duo dual manual combo organ, and the Farfisa Transicord electronic accordion. Both of those instruments will not work without this piece, so it’s pretty nice to have one!
Ok, my new schematic disclaimer: Don’t be dumb, and be careful not hurt yourself if you are attempting to work on your organ. You should find a tech to work on your gear, really. That way he can do what he does, and you can do what you do, make music!
Farfisa Compact Deluxe Schematics
I have no idea why you would want to look at these, but you do, so here they are! The Compact Deluxe Schematics are an incredible display of little black and white drawings on paper that empower you to understand the inner workings of the magnificent Farfisa Compact Deluxe combo organ, if you speak early sixties Italian electronic physicist speak.
Don’t be dumb, and be careful not hurt yourself if you are attempting to work on your organ. You should find a tech to work on your gear, really. That way he can do what he does, and you can do what you do, make music!
Farfisa VIP-500 Combo Organ
Thanks to Zoran Stajic for the info and pictures! Zoran says this model is a lot like the VIP400, but the Piano Sounds are different. Possibly the addition of some of the goodies from the Pro Piano???
Thanks to Eric, who posted this comment on the old site: Great Farfisa; much more versatile than Compacts. Sort of like a Compact with many more additional sounds and features. Used by Sun Ra (see Space is the Place video). One feature I particularly like is the percussion/ repeat. Sounds sort of like a square wave LFO, but with more attack (plus control over the attack). Also has “synthaslalom” which is a little like portamento on an analog synth. This feature can also be controlled in terms of time and range of the portamento. Unlike portemento, this effect seems to only go up, elevating the note till it reaches the note of the key. Also has very cool reed/ string like drawbar that sounds like a strings preset analog synth. The other effect in this section is “piano”, which sounds vaguely like a dark electric piano tone. Incredible Bass section for lower quarter of first row of keys. drawbars for very round/ super bassy square wave “bass” and a reedier, fuzzy tone also (think: bass sounds on Suicide’s first album) All in all a very expressive and versatile keyboard capable of the 60s psyche farfisa sound as well as some basic (but well done) 70s analog synth sounds. This was a very professional, and expensive keyboard in it’s day. I believe I saw an mid 70s advertisement for $1800!!! More than a MiniMoog. Cool keyboard.